This firs painting was painted on a cold December day and it was the second to last painting that I painted. Like the last one it too fell over and was damaged. I wasn't concerned at the time because I didn't like the painting. It had the sun hitting the top section of the castle but no highlight on the lower floor. It was the way it was in reality but in the painting it looked wrong. I added the highlight to the bottom and like it a lot more.
I need to spend more time painting in my studio. Most of what I don't like about these paintings is the sloppy brushwork, mostly from the cold.
Hi Tracey. Debbie and I hope that all is well with you. I was wondering where you got too and just found out from John M. I was missing you before I even knew that you had moved. Please keep in tough and next time Debbie and I head your way we will try to make a painting date.