Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Painting with a Master - Conclusion

Guennadi suggested that a good way to learn to paint was to copy a painting by a favourite artist.  This Tom Thomson painting would have been easier to copy if I had one of his boards and his pigments but I didn't so I toned a canvas light brown and agonized over matching his colours. As it turns out there is a much to be learned by attempting to copy a painting by another artist and when that artist is Tom Thomson it is easy to learn because I can see all his brush strokes.

In the process of copying his painting I was constantly trying to analyze why he chose the colours he did and why he put strokes of paint where he did.  I also became acutely aware of how he used his background colours to tint the snow which gave a sense of unity to the painting.  My trees need to be less perfect lines and more broken up but hey I am proud of this anyway.

The top painting is mine and the bottom one Tom's,  My colours are closer to his than this looks.  

I am loving oil painting.

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