The Highlands East Plein Air Arts Festival ran from September 10 to the 13. We painted for three days, attended a great bbq and then had a show and sale on the closing Sunday. Eleven artists attended this year which is very disappointing but I am sure that it will grow. We had a blast painting at wonderful locations and socializing with locals and other artists. About a dozen paintings sold which is fantastic for a festival in its second year.
We went to paint the Irondale church but when we got there it was encased in scafholding with most of the paint stripped off the front. The sunlight was coming just over the top of the trees causing the steeple to glow so I decided on a macro. I think that it worked and I am very happy with this painting.
The painting right is of Gooderham Lake from the "Old Parish Place" It was a huge treed property that is being protected by its owners. The only downside was that it is heavily treed and I was in very dark shade painting this. I could make out the values but colour was mostly guesswork.
This painting was painted at Greenmantle Farm which is home to a rare mineral called fluorrichterite. It is also a property that is being protected by its very friendly owners and they go an extra mile. They lead eco tours on their property.
This last painting was painted at Centre Lake. It is favourite location and I have painted this scene numerous times. This was our third day painting and I was exhausted but I can't think of a better location to finish three intense days of painting.
A weekend like this is definitely good for the soul.