Saturday, 25 November 2017

Paddling in Killarney

We spent five days paddling in Killarney Provincial Park in October.  OSA Lake has been on my bucket list for a number of years now and with the help of our son and his friends I finally made it.  Thank you Nathan, Kristian, Read et al. We hiked and climbed to the top of "The Crack" as a side trip to a tough portage but it was well worth it.  The views out to Georgian Bay and over to OSA Lake are as fantastic as any that I have seen.

I produced eleven paintings in five days.  It was very humid and drizzled off and on.  I had a tube of yellow paint that didn't like the dampness and didn't dry properly so I ended up with some smeared greens on most of my paintings.

These first two paintings were painted on Kakakise Lake. This brilliant red maple was on our campsite and difficult to ignore.

All but one of the other paddlers went on a day trip during our layover on OSA Lake so I had a quiet day with no distractions on an incredibly beautiful lake. I produced seven painting here.The rock is a gorgeous white quartz and I had trouble making it look like rock and not snow.  It isn't hard to understand why some of the Group of Seven were attracted to this area.

OSA Lake may no longer be on my bucket list but it is certainly a place that I would dearly love to go back to.

Our last night was spent on Killarney Lake.  I managed one painting before it was decided to rush one of our members out of the park and to a hospital.  Three of us were left behind to pack up the next morning and paddle gear out so chores kept me from painting.

Bob is fine and we are all looking forward to next year.  They are talking about White Otter Lake and Jimmy McOuat's log castle which would be another item off my bucket list. Let the planning begin.

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