I went to my first Burlington Fine Arts Association meeting last night and it just happened to be their critique night. The critiquer was Marla Panko and she told it like she saw it. Constructive criticism is what helps us grow so I was looking forward to getting some "educated" feedback from someone who doesn't know me. I received more positive and less negative comments than most of the other artists so I was feeling pretty pleased with myself. I fully agreed with the negative so it was a good night.

This mornings BFAA studio time was with a model and I love doing portraits so it was another good morning. Gordon was sitting reading a book on his tablet. I probably should have done a full figure painting so that it would have context. Because he is looking down the head and shoulders painting makes it look as if he is sleeping.
This was completed in about two hours so I am quite pleased with it.
I need to find a way to get better photographs of my oil paintings. It is hard to eliminate the glare when they are wet.
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